Monday, December 31, 2012


ISO 400, f/5, 1/500 second, 22mm
  Oh come on, you've done it. Driving along and you see cows grazing in a pasture next to the road. You lean outside and say, "mooooo". You half expect the cows to mo back, don't you?
  This morning I was driving along Highway 411 between Madisonville and Englewood and noticed a large herd of these black and white cows laying around near the fence line. What the heck, I stopped and had a shot of a group of them looking at me hanging around in my head. Unfortunately, my shot never developed.
  When I approached the fence I expected the cows to walk away but they did the complete opposite. Everyone of them came up to the fence and checked me out. This killed my first idea. Then the man that owned them drove into the pasture in his tractor and placed a large hey roll out for them and the crowd thinned out.
  There were two that still hung around to see what I was up to. I took the camera off the tripod and squatted down low to shoot through the fence to get an up close shot. I bumped up the ISO to 400 and opened up the aperture to f/5 to make sure I got a quick shutter speed. Cows don't usually stand still for very long. I fired off some shots and this one stood out.


  1. I love reading your post. Just returned back home to the Chicago area from my home town of Sweetwater, TN. Got to visit with my daddy. Your blog always reminds me of home. Thanks. Jazzerkb

  2. Jazzerkb don't think you could've said anything that is a better compliment. Thanks for stopping by.
